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♥ 吴婉婷 爱 卓鸿祥 ; 2009 Valentine's ♥

Monday, April 27, 2009 ; 7:14 PM

6 projects to be done and I've not do anything yet. This is the 4th week already and most probably got to submit on the 8th week. I'm still in holiday mood despite 4 weeks have past. And I think I've skip 5 to 6 days of school for the past 4 weeks. Lol. Good, can't wait to get out of school. Still got to write resume and send out. But I'm just plain too lazy to do anything that is related to school. I finally understand why baby say he keep don't want to go school. Theory lessons are too boring. 6 more weeks I'm out of hell. Oh well, good luck to myself then.

Sunday, April 19, 2009 ; 11:35 PM

My grandfather just pass away on sat morning, around 3 to 4am. He died in his sleep I think. Very peacefully. Another funeral to attend after my grandma's one about 2 months ago. Well, 2009 issin't a good year.

I miss my dear boyfrienddd. I hate only able to see him once a week. Walaooo eh. :(

Friday, April 17, 2009 ; 9:45 PM

I hate fridays. Lesson starts at 10.30am and last till 4pm without any lunchbreak. I had lunch at 6pm and dinner at 9pm. I'm not hungry at all but I just squeeze the food into my stomach. And now I have a bad stomachache. I wonder if the fucker who plans timetable that time is sleeping anot. Tml must go back sch again. Boring!

Ohyes, I got a good news from Mohsheng. Now Shatec is like following Poly system. As long as you have 75% attendance for each subject, you're safe. Which means on the same day, you can skip morning lesson but go for afternoon one. Best is don't need mc at all! Muahahaha! In the past, baby and I really spend alot of money taking mc. But now, :). No, Shatec doesn't have horrible school system. If only this system is set in the past, how good will that be. They set now also no use la!! %^&*;+%$

Sunday, April 12, 2009 ; 8:29 PM

The very nice of me went down to Bugis last night to find baby after his work. I cannot tahan 2 days without seeing him la. Was pretty excited throughout the whole train journey. Lol. And I called this pubor Tay Xinyi when I'm back home. Been 576483 years since we've last contacted. Glad that she's doing fine lahh. And I hope that my ex boyfriend, Yeo Nengli is doing well with her current boyfriend, Ben. Okay, I know I'm being stupid and random. Bye.

Saturday, April 11, 2009 ; 1:46 AM

I seriously hate school. Whoever is that fucker who plans timetable is an idiot. Why the fuck we have 8hrs of IT lesson per week and Asian Sweets got to be held on sat. Which means sat must go back school. Who the fuck wants to go back school on sat? Plus I'm living damn far away from school ok. And with the amount of projects and subjects to cope, it can really kill me. I cannot handle stress. I hate pastry now. The course is not as fun as what I've thought. It doesn't intrest me anymore. I think I'm going to delay attatchment. Worst is I feel like dropping out now lor! Kns. Took up pastry cos I thought hot kitchen is always very hot because I hate sweating. But I'm wrong la. Most kitchens in the industry have aircon de lor. I know I can't cook well, but at least I'm doing things that I like. I don't mind peeling potatoes or cutting vegetables la. I swear that after I've completed my attatchment, I'm not going to work in pastry kitchen. Eeewk. School is irritating and pissing me off. The new school system is horrible.

Okay, and I miss baby. Attatchment seriously sux!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 ; 4:28 PM

Everything is okay, only when I'm near you
Only for you, I will give you everything I have
It's alright, recognize
Even the thought of having you in my heart, I started smiling automatically
In my eyes I can't see anyone but you
It makes me happy when I see you playing around cutely
Sometimes you're my cute friend, my loveable husband
You're my baby boy, sweety boy
Forever, forever with you

If you say you'll stay beside me
If you say you'll always hold my hands
I believe I can do anything for you
Its okay, its okay
If I only have you its okay
If this is what love is, then I'm happy
If this is what love is, then everything is okay
If there's anything wrong, just being someone to cheer you up, I'm okay
Its okay, its okay, I'll understand, its okay

I must've love you too much
The truth is I must love you
Its so hard to fall asleep
I love everything about you
If I have only you, I'm okay
If you'll stay beside me
I love you
I'll always stay by your side
Look only at you

Stay beside me, I'll protect you tightly held your two hands
I will win any diffculties, there is no sadness nor seperation
My love will never change
You might not believe me, but I care for you more than myself
One minute, two seconds
Everytime I think of you, even if I don't tell you sometimes
Our releationship which started like a joke, is now my everything
I may act blunt, but you're the light which changed my heart
Even when we're far apart, I will find you beacause I'm your star

If you say you'll be beside me
If you say you'll always hold my hands
I love you is all I can tell you
But I won't ever let go the happiness I hold
If this is what love is, then I'm happy
If this is what love is, then everything is okay

I love you, that's what I felt from the start
I will always protect you whenever
I must've love you too much

Like a fool, I spend the day laughing while thinking of you
Just like this, we promise to stay like this forever
If I have only you, I'm okay
If you'll stay beside me
I love you
I'll always stay by your side
Look only at you

Today is the last day with baby. Really last day liao lor! After school bring him to his work place jiu go home liao. Cos he don't know how to go la. =.=

Sunday, April 5, 2009 ; 10:28 PM

I have a new friend to accompany me to school tomorrow. And he's Tan Moh Sheng. Laughs! :D


Madeline Madeline.
13 December.
Enjoying the last year of teenage life.


I strongly believe in, ЌαЯмά

不是不报,时间未到 -

"What goes around comes around what goes up must come down."

Chub Chub's Growth!.


Eversince '09 Valentine's & still going on!

Fate brought us together
& hope destiny won't break us apart.


Our Love Story!.