I want to learn and speak good hokkien language.
Cos I speak terribly despite being a hokkien. Lol.
Omg. I hate bread making.
Hate yeast, hate the long fermentation period. =(
Desmond came to find me at Bukit Batok on Friday after school. The first person is Terry! Lol! Its very sweet for somebody to come fetch you after school. And my school is so damn far away lor. Anyway, we went to Esplanade. Sounded very romantic but its horrible. The loud noise and bright lights coming from the floating stage, very irritating. Wrong timing to go liao. Sad.
Went to Malaysia for one day tour yesterday. Boring and tired lor. Cousins, ahyi, uncle, ah gong and ah ma also come along. Not fun at all. Going to the toilets are hell. So damn disgusting and smelly. Yucks. Think of it makes me wanna puke.
Shall update again when I have the time. Byee.
I strongly believe in, ЌαЯмά
"What goes around comes around what goes up must come down."
13 December.
Enjoying the last year of teenage life.
不是不报,时间未到 -
Eversince '09 Valentine's & still going on!
Fate brought us together
& hope destiny won't break us apart.