I will miss you dearly, Desmond Ng Zi Wei.
On the other hand, I want to make more DCS friends! They're very cute lor. Made some friends already. I'm in DPB la.
DCS = Diploma in Culinary Skills. :)
Saw QYF and Sam Leong again. Haha. If you watch Bai Jia Le, Ahboon and Xiaotianshi also at there. But I only saw Ahboon. I even call him to take photo but he say dont want. Sad. He also very cute! :D
I'm having a bad flu/running nose. School and morning train aircon too cold already!!
He's none other than...
LG Viewty KU990!!!
Suddenly feel that I'm such a fortunate girl. I study in private school without forking a cent, 1K pocket money, own mp3, handphone, room, aircon, shared psp and computer etc.. I love myself so much. But I'm always never contented with life. There's always something lacking in it.
Muhahahaha! Quan Yi Fong again!! She's having lunch and we approach her to take photo. That's why you can see the tissue paper on her hand. Lol. I know I look very ugly in here but who cares. At least I took a photo with her and chef Sam Leong too. They're very kind leh. Don't have those yaya-papaya attitude. But I never get their signature. Nvm, next saturday will have chance again. Hope the show never ends. Heeh. But I'm more excited with Sam Leong leh. He very cute lor. :D
Local artist I'm already so excited. (I think I'm the retarded one who goes in and out of the pastry kitchen to see whether they've arrive already anot. -.-) What if I saw Jay Chou, Rain or ZYC? Damn. I think I will faint lor. Or even hug and kiss them. Wahahaha.
And somebody please control me for withdrawing money from the ATM!! I bloody withdrawed $60 for these 2 weeks. I know its not a very big amount, but I'm trying to save lor!! I don't know where my money have lost. For my lunch , the most I only spend up to $4. I don't get drinks because its expensive and it will make me burp!! My bitch knows it right? Wear so chio, then got an un-glam sight. Keep burping non stop. Lol. Say till you, next tuesday take leave ok? Then we go jalan jalan together. :D
This is total chio-ness! I spend 40 mins Q-ing up in the bank just to have this. Heehee. Got time go Q up also.
My best friend. Accompanying me throughout the whole journey of the mrt ride. With him, time really past very fast. Lol!
Quan Yi Fong!! I taken last saturday in school. Sorry for the very blur photo lah. What to do when you're using a lousy camera. She's talking on a phone, and I'm taking it far away leh. Tsk! Tsk!
2 of my manuals cum textbook/workbook. Foods & Catering Science. Of all the lessons, I only like Foods leh. Cos its 98% so alike to F&N. ;)
Sunblock lotion for my face. Using it for practical as the oven is damn hot. Haven open the door you can feel the heat already. Its a fucking $63.90 lor!! And this is discounted price. Original is $79.50!! Never see such an expensive sunblock before. Might as well rob the bank. -.-
But its ok, not my money. Heehee.
My bitch girlfriend, Miss StellaTay gave me this. Davidoff Cool Water perfume. Because its a tester perfume, the the box is plain white. The smell is so sweet that my mum even like it leh.
But I still prefer this!! Escada Moon Sparkle!! Get this card from BHG/Sasa if you want. Even the card is so chio lor!! The perfume, which I spray last tuesday, till now, it still have a light sweet smell. Omg!! I love it!! Buy for me leh!!!
I have one box of 100 pieces Hansaplast water resistant plasters. But don't know why the photo lost liao. Its only $3.50 lor!! For my leg blisters when wearing heels. Hiax. So now I'm wearing slippers to school.
I know the pictures are damn ugly. But because of my lousy room lightning and camera, so it turn out to become like this lor. >.<
Go back East Spring today and collect my graduation book. Is like finally lor, always very lazy go collect. Saw my F&N mates doing coursework at needlework room. Kelian. Miss them so much.
Meet my bitch girlfriend, Miss Stella Tay after coming out of school. Ate my lunch at KFC, its already going to 5pm le lor! So pathetic. Having a hungry stomach all day. I go up her house see her baby nephew, Desmond. And I played Audition!! My first time, very noob luh. Leave her house at 8pm. Ohh, she gave me a bottle of perfume and a duno wad remover scrub or whatever. Thanks la bitch. Next tuesday meetup again. I end school at 12.30. Heehee.
She's so damn pretty lor!! Was having practical at Pastry kitchen. I finish doing my stuffs and I saw them and the contestants of Channel 8, Monday 8pm chef show. Fucking excited sia. I keep running in and out of the kitchen looking at them. Heehee. While waiting for my friends after practical, she even smile at me when she's talking on the phone. I want to take her signature leh, but I paiseh. Nvm, maybe next sat still have chance. ;)
English and catering science are the most fucking boring lesson. I even play PSP during English lessons lor. Hate fridays as lessons end up to 6.15pm. Love tuesdays, class end early at 12.30pm. Wohoo!
But I still enjoy school although its tiring having to wake up at 5.30 in the morning. And today I reach home at 9pm because of practical. Kolian right? I miss my bed so much lor. I've got so much to say, but I don't know how to start with. Tired to blog so much also.
& yes, I spend around 40 mins Q-ing up in POSB yesterday for Go! Debit card. Super chio-ness I tell you. Because yesterday lesson was cancelled so I had the time to go. Now I can use both Mastercard & Nets. Wohoo!
& Happy 17th Birthday to my bitch girlfriend,
Miss Stella Tay Xinyi.
Uhh, I mean tomorrow. See I so good. I use the biggest font and even bold your name lor!!
Ok la bitch, I know tomorrow when I reach home will be damn tired and won't use computer, so just an early birthday greeting ba. Heeh. Love you bitch. Hope you have fun on your BIG DAY. :D
"The last kiss...."
Its damn horrible and ugly. Every time I look in the mirror, I feel so sad lor!! Don't even feel like going downstairs. Plus next week is the start of my school. Urgh, fuck. Can go bang wall already.
The even sad thing is after talking so much with my parents, my mum say live at own house the best. Fuck fuck fuck. Which means waking up at 5.30am from monday to saturday, by 6.30am got to leave home and squeeze with people in the bus and train. I need my sleep!!!
Shatec uniform is so hot lor. Majiam like wearing East Spring uniform but this is long sleeve and white colour. Even worst. But studying in an aircon environment, doesn't affect much though.
Walking to school is horrible. Need to climb that mountain HDB estate with heels. Die liao lor.
Currently DJ Max level 48! Wohoo!~ Aim for level 55 by Sunday. Need to play alot of times then can level up lor!!!
I strongly believe in, ЌαЯмά
"What goes around comes around what goes up must come down."
13 December.
Enjoying the last year of teenage life.
不是不报,时间未到 -
Eversince '09 Valentine's & still going on!
Fate brought us together
& hope destiny won't break us apart.